
Effie is my fashionable alter ego. For me fashion is still emerging and a constantly changing form of art that everyone's able to create; I don't take it too seriously, though.

The 'so original' one.

Hey guys!

I'm sooo original! Since 90s are definitely back (and make me feel young again) everybody's wearing chokers and off-the-shoulder tops - I tried to avoid it just because everybody's doing it and here I am, ha, ha, ha. But it does look awesome, doesn't it? Bare arms + collar bones = LOVE. And culottes! (yet again - so unique right now!) Even though I have nothing against skirts, comfy pants that only look like a skirt always win! 


top, culottes, sunglasses - H&M

choker - Ettika, Free People

The 15K one!

The one with the wooden watch.